Monday, April 29, 2013

You can do it.

Writing is a solitary pursuit.  My family is wonderful and supportive but there are times when I need to commiserate with others who have struggled my struggle.  I have met so many wonderful people who have offered advice, encouragement or just a shoulder.

At the end of the day we all have to be our own cheerleader and never forget:

YOU can do it!!

(Why yes, I am still struggling. Why do you inquire? ;)


  1. Writing is definitely a challenge. It's fun to slip into our own stories, but I think the hard part comes when trying to share with others. The community is so helpful for that.

    1. I have found a very wonderful community here. People are so amazing and helpful.

  2. We definitely have to be our own best friend an cheerleader but it so helps to have wonderful, supportive people around you, whether in person or online. I have my amazing husband and also this awesome blogging community. And the tortoises, of course. :)

    1. Oh course the tortoises - they are so cute.

  3. Yeah, non-writers just don't get it, do they? My family gets annoyed that I pretty much ignore them *shifty* Seriously, the bonding with other writers has helped SO MUCH, and I think the friendships form a lot faster--we just get each other better.

  4. Sometimes we really need someone to just tell us "You can do it" That one line of encouragement is enough to motivate and inspire. I need to start saying it to others more.

    1. In those moments of doubt it is really great to hear.

  5. We all can be each other's cheerleaders. Our community is an awesome one! :)

    1. It really is an awesome community. I don't know how I muddled through before.

  6. I still struggle with my writing every day. My family is supportive, but wish for something to come of it. Luckily fellow writers and bloggers understand how long it can take to get the results you want. But you are right, we can do it.

    1. We can. We will all reach the dreams we strive for.

  7. I love your comment that we have to be our own cheerleader - its spot on!

  8. To pursue writing for any other reason than love of the written word—money or fame for example—is a fool's errand. Publishing is a difficult path where tenacity wins out over talent every time. Why? because talented writers are a dime a dozen, whereas determined writers are a rare breed.

    It's all about staying in the game, and yes, YOU can do it!

    VR Barkowski
