Sunday, April 28, 2013


I tried to hit a few blogs late last night.  I will do more today.  Please forgive the tardiness.

My son was in charge of Comcast Cares here in SLC, Utah.

I of  course jumped in to help him.  He said I'd be putting kits together for the homeless.
I can do that.

I ended up doing registration.
Really?  People stuff?

Then I became a door greeter.
Oh dear gods... I have to be out going?
I'm fine.  I will be okay..

It was good until they took my daughter from me.

She was the bubble of enthusiasm.  I could do this people thing with her by my side. Then they moved her.  Joseph! Now I have to be bright and cheery.  I can do it?!

For me, it started at 6:00am with the sorting of shirts and other grunt work needed.

I was amazed at the number of people who showed up.  I greeted them all, including those who did not wish the greet.  Long story:  He was bringing donations and when he came back in he said., " You asked me this before!"  I said, "And when you come back, I will ask you again." 

(You are vexing me sir.  I belong not here. I long for coffee and quiet. You are vexing me.)

I am sorry, I cannot remember what I ate for breakfast.  It is so early there was no time for coffee and YOU expect me to remember YOU.  Awesome ego.  Totally awesome ego.  Where can I find one.

Long story short I was busy yesterday and didn't hit any blogs until late last night.

Good lord willing and the internet connects...I will do a few more today.



  1. I had a busy day yesterday too. Had to cover a coworker and open the restaurant so I was up around 6:30. Plus, it was graduation weekend, so lots of hungry people. Bright side was I got done working at 2, but needed a serious nap. Thank goodness for Sunday. Time to play catch up.

    1. Don't know what I would do without Sunday.

  2. But it sounds like you had a productive day, though!

    1. It was very productive and fun. I love my kids and they are so fun to hang out with.

  3. Good for you for helping. I have been late around the blogs this weekend, too. We're in the home stretch, though!
