Thursday, April 4, 2013


I like the discovery process.  For me it is a magical time of getting to know my characters. I go to Michael's or The Dollar Store and just wander around to see if anything calls to me.  
I start with a blank board and shelf.
Then I put a collage together of my characters and things that they might like.  The bulletin board sits just over my desk. 

For one story I put together a scrap book. Since it was in the summer I wanted to have something portable so I could write at the park or in the backyard and have all the info at my finger tips.  

The beauty of the discovery process is that you never know what might jump out at you. When I was wandering through Michael's one day I realized that my story would have a cat in it. 

This is Spot the stripped cat. 

What's the strangest thing discovery offered to you?


  1. What a neat process! I am not patient enough to gather all that stuff, therefore I never have a fully formed story in my mind. I like spot the striped cat--cute! Happy D Day!

    1. Happy D Day back. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I love the collage idea! I will definitely have to try that soon for my characters. I do carry around a notebook with me though to write down ideas wherever I happen to be. The thing that gets my ideas flowing is writing lists of all the things that I really love or really inspire me.

    1. I keep a notebook too to write down when inspiration strikes.

      That's interesting about writing the things you love or inspire you. That's a good idea.

  3. I don't go on discovery trips before I write, but I discover things as I write. By the time I'm finished, I usually have quite a collection.

    Stopping by from A-Z.

    1. I can see how that would be beneficial. Pay as you play.

  4. This is an absolutely brilliant idea. I have thought about something similar, but I never knew exactly what to do or how to do it. I love the part when I start mapping certain things out before I start actually writing, so that I have a much more clear vision of who exactly my characters are and what the story is actually going to be about. Thank you so much for visiting my blog during the A-Z challenge and commenting so regularly.

    1. I enjoy your blog. You inspire me. I do enjoy the discovery process.

  5. Now this is awesome- never heard of anything like it. Thanks so much for sharing. I keep a notebook with me at all times, and often get inspiration from things happening in my friends lives.

    1. I keep a note book too and write down 'stuff'. My kids tease me, but they never want for a piece of paper.

  6. That's very cool! I'm a pantser. I just go ahead with writing and see what comes my way.

    1. I am a pantser too. I've been struggling with trying to plot. But I always have character I'm thinking about before I pants and that's when I build my board and... oh the horror... maybe plot?

      I've never looked at it from that angle.

  7. That's cool. Discovery is why I'm a panster. I love being surprised by my story as I write it.

    1. oh yeah... I was beginning to wonder of I was a plotster.

  8. Discovery - If my work gets rejected, its because I just haven't found the right editor for it.

    That is the thought I keep in my head to keep me going... ;-)

  9. I heart your collage idea! Thanks for sharing it.

  10. I'm a pantser, so there's plenty of discovery as I write, but my favorite part of process is the research that happens before I put pen to paper. I usually start researching one topic which takes me somewhere else. The book I'm currently working on was supposed to be about the Salem Witch Trials—it's not. :) I suppose that's a sort of discovery.

    ~VR Barkowski

  11. What a lovely notebook and bulletin board. I also use a bulletin board for ideas and post 3x5 scene cards so I can 'see' the whole section as I'm writing, but I've never used this for discovery. A neat idea, and the notebook is very creative.
