Thursday, May 9, 2013

And then my muse...

She had this idea and saw fit to share it with me. 
I really liked the idea and thanked her kindly.

I start with a story blurb to get a feel for the maybes and what ifs. 

Then I cast my protagonist to see if what I am thinking is what SHE is thinking. 

I like to pick an actor or actress who has the attributes I'd want in a main character.  It lets me hear their voice and see things from their perspective.  Without this everyone comes out sounding like me.

At first I decided I wanted Olivia Wilde.
I am most familiar with her from 'House'.  I liked her spunk on the show and thought she had many good qualities.  But something wasn't quite right. 

I thought I had a  problem because she is older than my main character. I told myself that shouldn't bother me.  They do it all the time on the telly.  30 year old actors are playing teenagers. We suspend belief and go with it.

This morning I woke up and knew what the problem was.  13 was never happy.  She had spunk and she had drive but she was not a happy person.

My quest continues.


  1. I usually pick an actor/person to write around, too. I'm a visual person, so I need that.

    1. I'm very visual. My bulletin board overflows with pictures and items that 'feel' like they should belong in my story.

  2. I never picked actors etc for my characters, but I read somewhere - and this has sort of changed my mind - that the actor doesn't have to look exactly like the character but give more of an impression, give the feeling you want the character to have etc. I'd always get bogged down in no one looking exactly like my people. This new way of looking at it really helps me.

    Good luck with your new idea!

    1. Thanks. They don't have to be a dead on match but I like similarities. Must be something with me being visual.

  3. I have never picked actors for characters, I'm not sure it would work well for me as I form my own picture in my head. Or maybe it's just my muse doesn't work like that!

    1. I have an idea of what I want - dark hair, green eyes etc. I use the actress as a 'place holder' until my character takes form and strikes out on her own. If that makes sense.

  4. I have the problem of never finding anyone who looks like what I have in mind. I don't know why that is. But 13 had her moments. I loved Olivia Wild's character in Butter though, she was insane in there. I wish I had your imagination now. It would help me so much if I can write with an actor or actress in mind. I am sure you will figure things out. Your are amazing like that.

    1. Thank you.
      I'll have to check out Butter.
      When work is stressful sometimes the muse flees. Hang in there she'll be back and stirring the pot in no time.

  5. I hope you'll find just the right actress to portray your heroine. You're right about 13; she wasn't happy, but then she also had a terrible hereditary disease, or was it that it was in her genetic makeup and she might get it? I don't recall, but that would tend to cause her to be worried more often than happy.

  6. Good luck finding the right one. Auditions are sometimes difficult. I had a clear image of my protagonist in my latest book, but casting for her didn't work out. I might have to go with someone no one's ever heard of!

    1. That works too. I mostly like knowing the cadence of the voice.

  7. I wish you luck on the quest. I've never been good at assigning someone I'm familiar with as one of my characters...

  8. Isn't it wonderful how our muse works? It just takes time, but when it happens...whoa, huge leap forward. I know of others who pick actors for their characters. I do after a point, after my character develops (they often surprise me).

  9. I don't think I could write about a real person like that - I'd feel too constrained and end up writing THAT character instead of mine. Good luck with your search though.

    Actually, I just lied. I once combined too people into one - would that work for you? The basics of 13 with a slightly happier character?
