I'm spending the day tweaking A-Z and planning Camp Nano.
For my G-kid I found an Easter bonnet that I turned into a basket.
A couple of cute critters and some eggs.
For the kids.
Cards for coffee and silly animals.
True confessions. I use to do an Easter Miracle.
Every Easter Eve when the kids were asleep I put fake flowers in the garden.
One day no flowers next day wow.
Guess the universe is paying it back.
Below is an Easter amazing.
DH gave me an orchid for Valentines in 2012
When the flowers died he said, "Throw it out".
I can't do that. I'm the queen of adopting plants and animals no one wants.
I gave it its weekly ice cubes and was rewarded with this beautiful flower.
There are more buds and another shoot.
It's a festivas miracle for certain sure.